Welcome to Export Saint Lucia's Services Trade Information Portal

What is "Trade in Services"
service is an economic activity where an immaterial or intangible exchange of value occurs. A defining feature of a service is that value is transacted but it cannot be seen, felt, or tasted. 

International trade in Services are regulated in the World Trade Organization (WTO) under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). Services Trade is governed by the policies, laws, and regulations in force in a country, both horizontally and on a sector-specific basis. 
Modes of Supply

Services are traded by four (4) "modes of supply":

Mode 1 or Cross border occurs when a service supplier remains in its jurisdiction and provides a service to a consumer abroad. Supplying ICT, entertainment or professional services through the internet are good examples of Mode 1.

Mode 2 or Consumption occurs when the service consumer leaves its jurisdiction and goes to the market where the service is being produced. Tourists receiving massages in Saint Lucia; or entertainment at hotels by Saint Lucia musicians are good examples of Mode 2.

Mode 3 or Commercial presence occurs when a service supplier goes abroad to establish a commercial presence through which it provides a service to consumers abroad. Good examples of Mode 3 would be if a Saint Lucian management consultancy firm established a commercial presence in a foreign market to provide its services or a Saint Lucian Spa operator established a branch of its operation in a foreign market.

Mode 4 or Temporary Movement of natural persons occurs when a natural person leaves its jurisdiction and goes to the foreign market where its services are supplied. Good examples of Mode 4 would be if Saint Lucian management consultants go abroad to temporarily render their services or entertainment artistes go on travel tours to provide entertainment to foreign markets.

Development of this portal funded by the European Union